What is a CT-scan?

CT stands for computed tomography. A CT-scan uses x-rays to create a digital image of the inside of your body. This image gives your doctor information about organ function and abnormal cell growth (tumours).

The procedure

How does it work?

The scan takes approximately 10 minutes and is non-invasive, so no instruments are inserted into your body.

A contrast agent may be injected into the body through a vein to improve the visibility of certain internal body parts and pathways during the CT scan. For this examination – to be performed with a contrast agent – your kidneys must function normally. A blood sample is taken prior to the CT scan to check kidney function. Be aware that the contrast agent can cause an allergic reaction, so please let your doctor know if you have had any allergic reactions in the past. If you are taking any antidiabetic medications, your doctor might ask you to stop taking them for a few days.

If CT urography detects a tumour if the urinary tract, your doctor will recommend a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. The biopsy is a surgical procedure (referred to as a cystoscopy) to remove small piece of tissue for further examination.


How do I prepare for the procedure?

Your doctor will advise you in detail about how to prepare for the procedure.

Side effects

A CT scan lasts 10 minutes and is (often) not very demanding for the patient. Only the contrast fluid can cause slight discomfort such as a tickle in the throat or a warm feeling.