Uroflowmetry is a simple test that electronically records the rate of urine flow. It is easily done in privacy at the hospital or clinic. This test helps your health care provider check whether the flow of your urine is blocked.

You will urinate into a container, called a uroflowmeter (Figure 1).

What measuring your urine flow rate at home can tell you:

  • Normal urine flow is above 15 millilitres per second.
  • If your flow of urine is 10 millilitres per second or less and you experience symptoms, you should see your urologist.

Measuring at home is never as accurate as at the hospital or clinic. Make sure to consult your doctor about your urine flow rate.

Fig. 1: A common type of uroflowmetry container for men and women.
Fig. 1: A common type of uroflowmetry container for men and women.